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NYC STEM Education Network x District 4 Summer Rising STEAM Fair
STEAM education and fostering young innovators in Harlem! Read about the Summer Rising STEAM Fair, where 11 dynamic members of the NYC STEM Education Network came together to celebrate science

Celebrating the Achievements of Future Educators
ExpandED Schools celebrated the achievements of ten outstanding future educators who completed our Pathways Fellowship program. Reshmanie Boodhoo, Kristina Rodriguez, Elizabeth Perez, Marquis Rollé, Alejandra Mercedes Diaz, Matthew Parra, Katelyn

Empowering Students Through Project-Based Learning: MS ExTRA’s Live Project Showcase
ExpandED Schools’ MS ExTRA program hosted its second Live Project Showcase, bringing together over 50 talented students from multiple schools across the city. Recently, ExpandED Schools’ MS ExTRA program hosted

50+ Free Resources for SEL Strategies and Tools
ExpandED Schools and Every Hour Counts have been working to apply an equity lens to Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). In 2016, with generous support from the New York Life

Mental Health Check: 5 Ways to Boost Students Socially and Emotionally
By Jacques Noisette, Director Social and Emotional Learning Life in the wake of Covid may be returning to a semblance of normal, with students in school and parents heading to

Bringing an Anti-Racist Lens to STEM Afterschool Activities
During the summer of 2020, as the pandemic and racial violence elevated the conversation around equity and equality in education, ExpandED began to reconsider its afterschool STEM curriculum. Was it anti-racist? Did it lift students’ voices? Could all kids see themselves in the activities?

A Literacy New Deal: Partnering to Strengthen Literacy
In December, ExpandED and the Partnership for Afterschool Education (PASE) convened a working group to discuss growing concerns about the state of young children’s literacy levels in the wake of Covid-19. Prior to the pandemic, approximately two of every three children living in poverty could not read at grade level. Since the start of the school year, it has become evident that more students need help with reading and writing.
Mentoring in Medicine’s mission is perfect for this year’s theme of Black History Month
February 28, 2022 Jailain Hollon Jailain Hollon is the Marketing Associate at ExpandED Schools. ExpandED Schools celebrates Black History Month, highlighting Black Americans’ significant contributions, achievements, and accomplishments throughout history.
Afterschool Advocacy Week Sets the Stage for Our Spring Advocacy Push in 2022
February 25, 2022 Jailain Hollon Jailain Hollon is the Marketing Associate at ExpandED Schools. Earlier this month ExpandED Schools participated in New York State Network For Youth Success’s Afterschool Advocacy
November is Family Literacy Month!
November 18, 2021 By Tarilyn Little, Program Director, Early Literacy November is National Family Literacy Month and we couldn’t be more excited! Partnership between schools, community-based programs and families is