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Our blog features ExpandED staff and other contributors describing the latest efforts to ensure that every young person thrives and how we’re building a robust system of K–12 afterschool in New York City.

When Afterschool Leaders Come Together, Young People Thrive

By Natalie Colón At ExpandED Schools, we are fortunate to support a wide range of afterschool programs throughout New York City. Some are large, multi-site nonprofits, while others are smaller, grassroots organizations rooted in their communities. Despite their size, they all share one mission: creating spaces where young people can learn, grow, and thrive. Last month, 61 afterschool site leaders—representing

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Lit C.R.E.W.: A Creative Approach to Middle School Literacy

By Inayah Ansari and Tiffany Perry Across the country, many young people face challenges meeting grade-level reading proficiency. These national trends are pronounced in New York City, where the diverse needs of our students call for innovative solutions. ExpandED Schools recognized this as an opportunity to build on our expertise in running literacy programs for middle school students, supporting hundreds

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Funder Spotlight: Altman Foundation

Deborah T. Velazquez, the President of the Altman Foundation, briefly talks about our decade-long partnership. Q&A Q: How did the Altman Foundation first connect with ExpandED Schools, and what inspired your support for the literacy program Ready Readers program? A: ExpandED and Altman share a commitment to providing more high-quality learning time for children and youth in New York City—in

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Summer Success: The Impact of Middle School Career-Connected Learning in NYC

Middle school students tour Yankee Stadium in the Bronx. By Alex Fendrich As the summer comes to a close, it’s impressive to see how many students participated in the Exploring Futures program, a middle school career exploration initiative launched in partnership with the NYC Department of Youth & Community Development, the NYC Mayor’s Office of Talent and Workforce Development, and

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What is the Difference Between High-Impact Tutoring (HIT) and Standard Tutoring?

By Ava Lehner High-impact tutoring (HIT), also known as high-dosage tutoring, has emerged as a promising academic intervention method in the fight against pandemic learning loss. But what exactly makes this tutoring “high-impact”, and how is it different from standard tutoring? Imagine a student who is slowly falling behind in class as they struggle to understand their day-to-day math curriculum.

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Celebrating Literacy: The Roger Blissett Learning Library Book Bundle

It brings us great joy to share that the Roger Blissett Learning Library book sets are now accessible to students and educators, a tribute to our esteemed board member and honoree at our 25th Anniversary Gala, Roger Blissett. In honor of his dedication, we’ve donated 25 book bundles to local schools. Each library features four books, a lesson plan, and

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ExpandED Schools Promotes Candace Brazier-Thurman to Chief Operating Officer

Candace Brazier-Thurman NEW YORK CITY, April 15, 2024 – ExpandED Schools, the largest intermediary nonprofit in New York City exclusively focused on advancing educational equity and delivering full-scale learning and development opportunities to students and educators, is pleased to announce the promotion of Candace Brazier-Thurman to the position of Chief Operating Officer, effective immediately. In her new role, Brazier-Thurman will

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School Community Partnership: A Model for Educational Success

ExpandED Schools organized “School Community Partnership: A Model for Educational Success,” a policy breakfast that brought together Chancellor David Banks, DYCD Deputy Commissioner Denice Williams, and students Kenneth from PTech and Tyler from Humanities Preparatory Academy. The purpose of the panel was to delve into the state of school-community partnerships and explore the necessary steps to advance beyond the current

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NYC STEM Network And ExpandED Schools Host Harlem’s District 4 Summer Rising STEAM Fair

NYC STEM Education Network, a coalition of over 100 STEM education organizations partnered with ExpandED Schools. A nonprofit that matches hundreds of the city’s schools with STEM providers, today hosted the District 4 Summer Rising STEAM Fair at PS/MS 007 Samuel Stern School in Harlem. The fair showcased students’ STEAM Summer Rising program projects and gave STEAM providers the opportunity to network

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Explore reports on our various initiatives and annual reports:

25th-Anniversary Report

This report presents a comprehensive 25-year ExpandED Schools retrospective, highlighting our rich history, esteemed partners, and our transformative work in the field of afterschool.

View Report
Inclusive Educator Pathways: Educator Training in New York City—A Landscape Analysis
Annual Report 2024
Toward Career-Connected Learning Recommendations for Systems Building, Coordination and Improvement
Annual Report 2023
25th-Anniversary Report