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Educator Career Pathways Working Group May Meeting


Open to anyone connected to the tutor-to-educator pipeline.


The Educator Career Development (ECD) Working Group brings together individuals and organizations who are connected to and interested in the tutor-to-educator pipeline. The working group will meet on the second Friday every other month from November 2024 – May 2025. We encourage you to register for each session.

During this session, we plan to reflect on methods and learnings about ExpandED’s Educator Career Development (ECD) professional learning community pilot. The pilot launched in January 2025 for select tutors participating in our high-impact tutoring initiative. We will also discuss possible policy or advocacy projects the group and work towards next year.


May 9, 2025 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm


Dana M. Wheeler,
Program Director, Educator Career Pathways, ExpandED Schools


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Educator Career Pathways Working Group May Meeting
During this session, we plan to reflect on methods and learnings about ExpandED's Educator Career Development (ECD) professional learning community pilot. The pilot launched in January 2025 for select tutors participating in our high-impact tutoring initiative. We will also discuss possible policy or advocacy projects the group and work towards next year. Event date: May 9, 2025
Open Event