December 1, 2020
By Monia Salam, Work-Based Learning Program Manager
For the past decade, ExpandED has been collaborating with high schools and organizations that serve New York City’s teens to create work-based learning programs that offer credit-bearing courses along with paid summer work opportunities. As an organization, we believe that linking school and work is a great way to help young people develop skills, learn about themselves, and make school more relevant. Through school-connected work-based learning students can begin to plan for the future while earning academic credit and credentials that can be used to meet graduation requirements. Through ExpandED Options, we have served over 1,700 students and worked with 137 school partners to grant academic credit for out of school learning.
To support organizations in their efforts to connect with high schools, ExpandED is launching a learning series for work-based learning providers. Please join us!
Overview of Learning Series
December 10, 2020 10:00am – 11am
An overview of the learning series themes and topics: Building School Partnerships, High School Accreditation for Out of School programs, College Credit. and Funding Student Wages using public funding allocations.
Register here
Building High School Partnerships
January 14, 2021 10:00am – 12:00pm
Recommendations and best practices connecting with schools and maintaining strong partnerships. We will discuss how to find school partners that work for your program model. Share best practices around engaging with school administration for recruitment, accreditation, and funding allocations.
Register here
High School Accreditation for Out of School Programs
February 11, 2021 10:00am – 12:00pm
Introduction to NYCDOE academic policy for off-site courses and Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) credential. A step-by-step guide to the documentation process for high school academic credit and the CDOS credential. Best practices around establishing roles between the school administration and Off-Site program providers.
Register here
Funding Student Wages
March 11, 2021 10:00am – 12:00pm
An Introduction to mapping funds to support student wages using public and private allocations. Breakdown of SYEP: CareerReady, SYEP Lottery, Work Learn Grow, and SYEP Emerging Leaders. Connecting with SYEP providers to CareerReady and Lottery allocations. An overview of other public funding sources for internship funds.
Register here
Please contact Monia Salam, Work-Based Learning Program Manager, [email protected], with any questions.